Your one-stop-shop for all your job interview needs!
Have you ever walked into an interview and had no confidence that you were ready? No worries! We are here to guide you on every step of the way during the process to help you interview for your dream job.
How This Works.
All of our services come with a 90-day MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE! That's right! If you do not get hired within 90-days after completion of our services, we will refund your money.
About Me
Hi everyone! I am so glad you decided to try out our services.
Some of you maybe wondering "What is ResumeFlux"? The answer to that is simple: "ResumeFlux is a resume consulting service to help you update or modify your resume, so you can get an interview for the job you want."
In today's competitive market and with the addition of constantly changing technologies; such as ATS, it becomes difficult for your resume to be seen by human eyes. Recruiters receive thousands of applications per day per position. To make their job less overwhelming, they utilize ATS or "applicant tracking system" to filter out any one whose resume does not meet their criteria. My team and I want to help you achieve a resume which is ATS compliant and can get seen by an actual person.
Make sure to follow us on TikTok for some more tips and tricks to give you an edge!